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Chapter #20

Rife and "Spooky Action at a Distance"

John Marsh's 1980's Rife machine

The reader of this report may have heard of “Spooky Action at a Distance.” “Spooky action at a distance” is about the theory of “Quantum Entanglement” and “DNA Entanglement.” This theory is also referred to as “Distance Therapy, Radionics, Remote Healing or Scalar Wave Therapy" and is all basically included in “Spooky Action at a Distance.” It was Albert Einstein that coined the phrase “Spooky Action at a Distance” as a derogatory statement because he did not believe in it. The problem with “Quantum Entanglement” and “DNA Entanglement” is the actual science 100% contradicts the claims people are making about it in regards to frequencies. This information is given so the reader will have the scientific information about this subject. We will only stick to the science of “entanglement” and not speculation in this report because it can affect people in a very negative way.

Dr. Rife also never believed in this theory even though some people and companies today are incorrectly claiming he did believe in it. There are some companies that claim their Rife type frequency generators all have this capability and they use this claim to sell their instruments. Most people are generally very trusting and believe whatever they are told if the person telling them the information seems to be sincere. Simply put, “Spooky action at a distance” is about the belief that you can take any tissue, such as a fingernail clipping that has a person’s DNA, and treat that fingernail clipping or tissue with a frequency, and through “DNA Quantum Entanglement” treat the whole body of the person that the tissue came from at any distance no matter how far away the distance may be. The problem with their claim is it does not agree with the proven documented scientific facts on how “Quantum Entanglement” actually has been scientifically proven to work. Anyone with reasonable common sense naturally should be very skeptical in regards to this “DNA Quantum Entanglement” claim. Just because someone claims something exists does not mean their belief of how it works is true! If a person is willing to read a little information and watch a few videos they can easily find out that “Quantum Entanglement” or “DNA Entanglement” does not work as claimed in regards to treating anything. It is easy to make incorrect claims but it takes more effort to show these claims are without any merit or truth. In this chapter, we are willing to cover this information so the reader will have the documented scientific truth. It is impossible that these frequency generator companies do not know the truth since they also would have had to read the same information we did in this chapter. This information is what they really do not want you to know and understand. Otherwise, their profits will go down. First, we will read their theory which they incorrectly attribute to Albert Einstein and then show the easily obtain proof that it is a false theory. The only reason they attribute it to Albert Einstein is that they know his name will get people to believe in it. We quote:

The Theory: “If any DNA part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location then any action performed on that removed part will also be instantaneously performed on the original system regardless of the distance.”

The photo above represents “Quantum Entanglement.” Albert Einstein never made the above statement or claim, nor did he believe in “Quantum Entanglement." What is concerning is both Albert Einstein and Dr. Rife’s names are now being used to promote something they never believed in.

What should be clearly understood is the original understanding of "Quantum entanglement" or "Spooky Action at a Distance" is not false. It is only their new concept or claim of how "Quantum Entanglement" actually works is what is false. But the separate "DNA Entanglement" concept is totally false. Once people are given this correct information they then understand how these two new "Entanglement" claims do not hold up to the science.


Here is the scientific evidence anyone can find, which is hard to reject. The theory of “quantum entanglement” or “Spooky Action at a Distance‟ was proposed back in 1935. Einstein had a problem with this theory because it appeared to contradict his theory of relativity, which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. This caused him to negatively refer to “Quantum Entanglement” as “Spooky Action at a Distance” because he thought the whole thing was absurd. Einstein was both right and wrong. This theory was finally proven correct by measurable experiments in 1997. The importance of the 1997 tests is the fact that the results were MEASURABLE and therefore VERIFIABLE and REPEATABLE. This means it is no longer a theory, but it is a scientifically proven fact.

In watching the next three videos below the most important thing you will come to understand is “Quantum Entanglement” is a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION, communication that does not send “usable information." The only thing that is sent is “random information.” Any frequency from a frequency generator is “Usable Information” because a frequency can carry many different types of information such as music, video or someone talking. Because of this scientifically proven fact this means you cannot take a clipped off fingernail from someone and through the claim of "Quantum Entanglement" or "DNA Entanglement" treat the fingernail with frequencies and have the person, who may be a few miles to thousands of miles away, receive the treatment. This ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION communication is a scientific fact they completely do not want to discuss because they would not be able to sell their “Distance Healing” concepts if people really understood how "Quantum Entanglement" only works with very small particles the size of photons, electrons or atoms in a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION communication.

The whole concept of "Distance Healing" or "Spooky Action at a Distance" is built upon a false belief that "Usable Information" can be sent back and forth, using a bi-directional (back and forth) communication between "Entangled" particles, including DNA. Below are the links to three videos that scientifically discuss how "Quantum Entanglement" actually works and its ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION communication. Anyone reading this Rife Machine Report should take the time to watch these videos because they will help you to understand how "Entanglement" actually works. Then you will be able to understand how the "Distance Healing" or "Spooky Action at a Distance" concept is being promoted by an incorrect understanding of how "Quantum Entanglement" actually works. Click on the links or the photos to watch videos.




If you watched the videos then you understand that “Quantum Entanglement” takes place when two subatomic particles the size of photons, electrons or atoms become linked by the strange property now called “Quantum Entanglement” or just “Entanglement.” But this only happens when they are created at the same point and instant (instant meaning the same time) in space. What most people do not understand is the only naturally occurring things that have been scientifically proven to become “Entangled” are atoms, electrons, and photons. The words "Naturally Occurring" are used because scientists have been able to "Entangle" man-made things by the use of very sophisticated equipment.

A simple way to understand what is meant by “Naturally Occurring” is mankind is only able to travel as fast as his legs can carry him. But with the aid of equipment, we can travel incredibly fast, even many thousands of miles per hour. But the equipment we use is not "Naturally Occurring" in nature because someone had to build it. This is the reason why "naturally Occurring" "Quantum Entanglement" only happens, as pointed out in the above videos, when two of these particles are created at the same point and instant in time and space, out of energy. If it does not happen in this way then no measurable “Quantum Entanglement” takes place. Today we have the ability with sophisticated equipment to “Entangle” particles. This is what was scientifically documented and proven to happen in 1997. It is not speculation or just a theory. What is interesting is when two “Entangled” particles of atoms, electrons or photons are created at the same point and instant in time and space, out of energy, they have no set “Spin” or what is scientifically referred to as “Angular Momentum or Orientation” until one of the two particles is measured.

The "Quantum Entanglement" videos clearly pointed out that all fundamental particles have “Spin” or “Angular Momentum and an Orientation” in space. If by a physical act you measure one of those two “Entangled Particles” then the other “Entangled Particle” will instantly change its "Angular Momentum and Orientation" in the opposite direction of the first particle measured. But an important fact which is ignored and deliberately left out is this. Once one of the two “Entangled Particles” is measured then both are fixed in their "Angular Momentum and Orientation" and any re-measurement will not change this "Angular Momentum or Orientation." This is why it is a ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION, faster than light communication. In the 1997 experiment the particles were separated by seven miles and when one particle was measured, the other particle, several miles away, had an instantaneous response of an opposite “Spin” or “Angular Momentum or Orientation” verifying “Entanglement” does take place.

These tests are how they were able to prove that “Quantum Entanglement” is real and no longer just a theory. These tests have been repeated many times since then. This is so easy to understand that anyone can understand it. It is important to also understand that any and all results of these tests were and are measurable and repeatable. If someone says that something is not measurable with "Quantum Entangled" particles then you know they are only promoting an unproven theory. Also, if something has already been scientifically proven false and someone still keeps claiming that it is true, without any new scientific information, then their motives become questionable.

It is important to understand that the measurement of an “Entangled” particle is a physical act upon one of the two “Entangled” particles. The basic idea here is to think about the transfer of information. "Naturally Occurring" “Entanglement” allows one particle to instantaneously influence another, but it also has been proven by many scientific tests over the past almost 23 years that no “Usable Information” is or can be transferred from one particle to the other beyond this “Spin” or "Angular Momentum or Orientation" information.

The next thing to understand is what is considered “Usable Information” in this context. Understanding this is very important because it is this ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION, communication that is being deliberately left out because if you understand it then you will know their theory is false. Some scientists have speculated that this property of “Quantum Entanglement” could be used to communicate instantly from a small distance to a distant star system many light-years away. But due to the fact that the “Spin” or “Angular momentum and orientation” are the limits of this ONE TIME, ONE DIRECTION, communication and an “Entangled” particles “Spin” direction is not known until it is measured, this makes communication of “Usable Information” such as a frequency not possible. This is the reason why they say Albert Einstein was both right and wrong. Right, because no “Usable Information” can travel faster than the speed of light, but wrong because the “Spin” or “Angular Momentum and Orientation” does travel faster than the speed of light. What is easy to understand is all theories cease to be theories once the results or effects are measurable and repeatable. Because of this scientifically proven fact this means you cannot send any of Dr. Rife's frequencies through “Entangled” particles or even DNA tissue because a frequency is "Usable Information." It is this same measurable principle that Dr. Rife used in all of his laboratory testings on microorganisms using frequencies that people understand.

This scientific information clearly proves that these frequency generator companies are selling their equipment based on a false understanding of how "Quantum Entanglement" actually works. This information also clearly disproves the false concept of "DNA Entanglement." If it really did work as they claim then every company's frequency generators would also be able to use "Spooky Action at a Distance" or "Quantum Entanglement" because any frequency generator from any company would work. But the whole concept is scientifically false and anyone can understand this after watching the three videos above. Now, let us read again their claim or theory:

Claim or Theory: “If any DNA part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location then any action performed on that removed part will also be instantaneously performed on the original system regardless of the distance.”

Now that it is understood how "Quantum Entanglement" actually works it is easy to see how their claim or theory is full of holes for the following reasons. First: It is stated that any and all systems of the human body are “Entangled.” Second: They state any action performed on any part of that system of the human body which has been removed (like a fingernail) when treated will treat the whole system of the body regardless of the separation or distance apart they are from each other. These claims scientifically are not only false but also very misleading. These "DNA Entanglement" claims are not only unbelievable, but they are a “QUANTUM LEAP” rather than “Quantum Entanglement.” They want people to not only believe the whole body is “Entangled” through DNA, but they also want people to believe that “Usable Information” such as a frequency can be sent back and forth through “Entangled” particles regardless of the fact that this has been scientifically proven not to be possible. What has been scientifically proven is once one of the “Entangled” particles are measured then both particles become fixed in their “Spin” or "Angular Momentum or Orientation" and no back and forth communication is possible. These scientifically proven facts show that it is impossible to treat a clipped off fingernail with frequencies, and by so doing, treat the whole body of the person the fingernail came from. Those who promote these false concepts are the people who are really taking things out of context.

Today there are scientists with the aid of sophisticated modern technology working on using "Quantum Entanglement" to find a way to send useable information. This work is looking very promising but it will require the aid of very expensive man-made equipment. Here are four links to articles about some of the technology that is being worked on. Keep in mind that none of this technology falls under "Naturally Occurring."






How it all started

The following information is provided so people can understand how “Quantum Entanglement” or "Spooky Action at a Distance" became intermingled with Rife technology. In order to do this, you have to go back to the late 1990s.

At that time there was a metal hand-cylinder contact Rife machine seller who was having a difficult time competing with the non-contact plasma ray tube instruments. Dr. Rife's plasma tube Rife Machine instrument worked by broadcasting its frequencies from a plasma ray tube. He could have used a metal antenna, but at the power levels he used, it would have been dangerous if someone touched the metal antenna. Metal hand-cylinder type Rife instruments work because they come into direct contact with the skin of the user. Their power levels are kept within safe levels for contact use. In order to compete with plasma tube instruments, he started telling his customers that they could just lay down or sit between the metal hand-cylinders, one placed on each side of their body, and they would receive the frequencies just the same way as a plasma tube instrument broadcasts its frequencies to the user. This, of course, was false.

These contact instruments were only low audio frequency instruments which only had a 1 to about 10,000 Hertz frequency range. They did not use any RF (Radio Frequency) carrier frequency or output any RF frequencies like Dr. Rife's instruments did. Also, the metal hand-cylinders that are used are only about 5 inches long and they could not work as a metal broadcasting antenna because they are two short in length. Even if the instrument would have output RF frequencies it still wouldn't have made any difference because the 5-inch long metal hand-cylinders could never broadcast the frequencies like a plasma ray tube.

By doing this he was able to compete with the plasma ray tube instruments by claiming you didn’t have to be in contact with the metal hand-cylinders to receive the frequencies. Of course, this was false, but many customers were easily fooled and would claim that it really worked regardless of the fact that no frequencies were ever being broadcast from the metal hand-cylinders. This caused some to wonder why some people would seem to have positive results even when they were never being treated with any frequencies. The answer to that question has a scientific explanation. Almost everyone has heard of the "Placebo Effect." Here is the definition of the placebo effect which explains this phenomenon. We quote:

PLACEBO EFFECT: "A beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment. Sometimes a person can have a response to a placebo. The response can be positive or negative. For instance, the person's symptoms may improve. Or the person may have what appears to be side effects from the treatment. These responses are known as the "placebo effect."

Scientific research on the "Placebo Effect" is focused on the relationship between mind and body. One of the most common theories is that the "Placebo effect" is due to a person's expectations. If a person expects a pill to do something, then it's possible that the body's own chemistry will cause effects similar to what a medication might have caused. It has been scientifically proven that whenever you use human beings in medical tests you will always have about a 35% placebo effect. In some rare cases almost a 50% placebo effect has been demonstrated. If this effect is not understood then this can give people a false belief that what they are testing is actually working. This is because the human mind is a powerful thing. Even if people are given a sugar pill they will get better. It is for this reason animals are used in scientific tests in order to eliminate the "Placebo Effect."

In order to try and make a long story short, because of this "Placebo Effect", some contact machine sellers started to make the same false claims about their instruments in order to compete with the competition. Today they seem to have fooled themselves and have become so convinced that this method of using metal hand-cylinders in a non-contact way really works. Either way, they embraced the whole false concept that you do not need to be in contact with any metal hand-cylinder frequency instrument, which uses no radio frequency carrier, and has no capability to broadcast its frequencies. If Dr. Rife could have done this he never would have needed to build any of the plasma tube typeinstruments he used over his more than thirty years of testing frequencies on microorganisms in his laboratory. But of course Dr. Rife lived in the real world, not a fantasy world.

This belief that you do not need to be in contact with an electrode type of frequency generator is both incorrect and unscientific. This would be like claiming you can electrocute someone without them ever coming in contact with the electrical current. Almost all appliances in our homes work on an audio frequency of 60 Hertz or 60 cycles per second. This 60 Hertz is an audio frequency at 110 volts of electricity which has many amps that can kill you if you come in contact with it. You can use the same 60 Hertz frequency at 110 volts with micro-amps and it will not harm you. It is the AMPS that will kill you. Since you have to come in contact with the metal electrical wire in order to become electrocuted then you must come in contact with the metal hand-cylinders or electrodes of any contact type instrument, either audio or radio-frequency, in order to receive the frequencies. You just cannot lay the hand-cylinders or any other type of electrodes beside you and somehow they will magically broadcast the frequencies and you will receive them. This is why these claims are scientifically incorrect. Any 10-year-old child can understand this when it is explained to them.

What people need to understand is the contact method of using metal electrodes has been used since the late 1950s. It works on a firm scientific foundation called "Conduction" or the direct contact method. The plasma ray tube method also has a firm scientific foundation called "Induction" or the non-contact broadcast method which works very well. The “Spooky Action at a Distance DNA Entanglement” embellished theory gave these contact machine sellers what they felt was a scientific explanation that they could use to explain why a person could sit between two metal hand-cylinders and supposedly be treated without being in direct contact with the instrument. Today they are still making the same claims about the non-contact plasma tube instruments. This, in a nutshell, is how "Spooky Action at a Distance" and "DNA Entanglement” false concepts were introduced into Rife technology. This is why some Rife type machine manufacturers promote these incorrect concepts. The problem is there is a mountain of scientific evidence which proves these concepts are false. If this was really sound science then it wouldn't matter which machine a person purchased because any Rife type frequency generator with the proper frequency range (1 Hertz to about 18 million Hertz) would work and you could purchase any machine you liked. In the real world, frequency range and power is the determining factor in how well an instrument works, therefore, the more powerful instruments with the correct frequency range work the best.

Marsh Rife Machine 1980's Model

Primary Perception

Next we will discuss how “DNA Entanglement” became mixed with Rife technology. Cleve Backster, photo above, was an FBI polygraph expert who found that plants and human cells seem to respond to thoughts and feelings. He was able to measure this response using a lie detector or polygraph instrument. He referred to this as “Bio-Communication or Primary Perception.” A few other researchers have been able to replicate Backster's work. Even Myth Busters was able to do this on one of their TV show episodes. Here are some links to videos about his “Bio-Communication or Primary Perception” work. We would recommend that you also watch these videos. Myth Busters is the first video.







From watching the videos you can see that Cleve Backster’s work is very interesting because he took plant leaves which had been separated from the main plant and found that the main plant would respond to additional harm done to the separated leaf. Other tests Backster did also showed that plants would respond to other plants, that were close to them, which were harmed. From his work it is apparent that plants appear to respond to some feelings. The fact that one plant responds to another separate plant being harmed would have nothing to do with DNA because in these tests with two separate plants both plants do not share or have the same DNA. Even if they did share the same DNA a frequency which is "Usable Information" could not travel through "Quantum Entanglement." Backster also did some interesting tests on separated human mouth cells and showed that the separated cells would respond to either the positive or negative reactions of the person who the cells came from. He showed that these cells would respond even if the person and their cells were separated by several miles distance from each other.

It is Backster’s work that has been embellished and used to promote the concept that every form of life, through its DNA, is “Entangled.” This is where the DNA concept came from even though scientific “Entanglement” tests have clearly proven that this concept or theory is incorrect. This false concept now has been combined with Rife technology in order to try and give it some legitimacy. Even if DNA was “Entangled” it would not make any difference because it has been scientifically proven that a frequency, which is “Usable Information,” cannot travel from one “Entangled” particle to another. Dr. Rife found that it was a specific resonant frequency that was needed to devitalize an organism. If a frequency cannot be sent through "Entanglement" then how can an organism be devitalized without it? This scientifically proves these claims are false. Here are two quotes that show how far these false "DNA Entanglement" claims have gone:

QUOTE ONE: “A third, and less common, mode of transmission uses the principles of quantum physics and the antenna properties of DNA to transmit through what physicists call nonlocal space. These are remote machines...you don’t have to be in the same room as the machine, or even in the same country (no, we’re not kidding), so it’s hand-free and it can be used while sleeping. Not as fast as contact or plasma, but equally effective, and...well, that’s it, really.”

QUOTE TWO: “the DNA contained in the fingernails or hair could transmit energy directly to the owner of that DNA simply by placing the samples between the machine’s electrodes. With no wires or physical contact needed.”

Marsh Rife Ray Tube

If this false "DNA Entanglement" is not bad enough there are people who are taking Backster’s work even farther and making even greater embellished claims than those we have discussed so far. They are now claiming that through “DNA Quantum Entanglement" we are all somehow connected within our DNA lines or systems (family lines). If this theory was true then we could treat one of our family members and all of our other family members would receive the same treatment because we all share the same "DNA Entangled" system. There seems to be no end to all of these embellished "DNA entanglement" claims once science and common sense are no longer used. Dr. Rife only believed in what he was able to scientifically prove and measure and he never believed in this kind of foolishness that is being promoted as real scientific facts using his name.

Here is another fact that has been ignored about “DNA Entanglement.” What develops from human DNA (the human body) does not develop in an instant in time or space. It develops over 9 months of time. This is not how “Quantum Entanglement” between electrons, photons and atoms takes place. This is why there is no scientific evidence that human DNA is “Entangled.” Consider this; if “Usable Information” in the form of frequencies could be sent from one “Entangled” particle to another the whole scientific world, including private industry and governments, would want this technology. This technology would be patentable and worth billions of dollars and anyone that could scientifically prove this concept would not be in the Rife type business at all. This fact alone should prove to anyone that this concept or claim in regards to “DNA Entanglement” is without merit. “Spooky Action at a distance, Distance Healing, Radionics or Scalar Wave" claims with or without “DNA Entanglement” is a false concept regardless of what anyone may claim.

Marsh Rife Ray Tube

Anyone who promotes this concept should be challenged to prove that this method works on microorganisms placed under a slide. If it fails under microscope observation it is going to also fail in a glass of water or in someone’s body. Dr. Rife spent over 30 years of his life on the work of devitalizing microorganisms. Many other doctors and scientists came to his laboratory to observe his work. If he was promoting some kind of fraud these scientists would have easily discovered this. Instead they left his laboratory amazed at what he had been able to accomplish. His work was legitimate science. Just the number of newspaper articles that covered his work is amazing. Today some 70 years later we have people claiming Dr. Rife's work was all faked. But those who worked with him and came to his laboratory were completely convinced of his work through their first-hand observations. Dr. Arthur Isaac Kendall (shown in the photo above) and Dr. Edward C. Rosenow who worked with Dr. Rife over several years could never have been fooled. They were among the top bacteriologists in the world. Dr. Kendall was considered by many to be America’s Pasteur also shown in the photo above. Until "Distance Therapy" or “Spooky Action at a Distance” can kill or devitalize even one microorganism under observation, either right next to the microscope or half way around the world, it should never be accepted as sound science by reasonable people.

Dr. Rife's work was based on scientific testing in his laboratory using proven testing methods used by all reputable laboratories. Dr. Rife actually observed under microscope observation the devitalizing of many microorganisms when using the frequencies he found. His results were measureable. This is something "Distance therapy," “Spooky Action at a Distance,” “Radionics,” “Remote Healing” or “Scalar Wave” therapy cannot do. We realize that some people may believe in this form of "Distance Therapy" but these people should understand that it has never been proven to work under microscope observation or any other form of testing. Due to the fact that "Distance Therapy" has never been proven to work in laboratory settings on biological tissue or microorganisms people are now trying to associate it with another unproven methodology in order to possibly explain how it might work. They are now associating it with “Scalar Waves.” Here is the definition of "Scalar Wave." Quote:

SCALAR WAVE: “Scalar wave theory is a controversial theory and is considered pseudo science by most qualified scientists. A scalar wave is a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it. The central conceit is that scalar waves restore certain useful aspects of Maxwell's equations "discarded" in the nineteenth century by those fools Heaviside, Hertz and Gibbs. It has since been adopted by alternative medicine practitioners as the new "quantum": a universally-applicable science handwave to support any arbitrary claim whatsoever. In physics, a quantity described as "scalar" only contains information about its magnitude. In contrast, a "vector" quantity contains information both about its magnitude and about its direction. By this definition, a "scalar wave" in physics would be defined as any solution to a "scalar wave equation". In reality, this definition is far too general to be useful, and as a result the term "scalar wave" is used exclusively by cranks and peddlers of woo who know they have no scientific evidence.”

And here is the Radionics definition. Quote:

RADIONICS: “The claims for radionics devices contradict the accepted principles of biology and physics. No scientifically verifiable mechanisms of function are posited. In this sense, they can be described as magical in operation. No plausible biophysical basis for the "putative energy fields" has been proposed, and neither the fields themselves nor their purported therapeutic effects have been convincingly demonstrated.”

As can be seen by both of these above quotes the methodology behind "Distance Therapy" and "Scalar Waves" are both unproven methods. If people want to try "Distance Therapy" there is nothing wrong with giving anything a try but people should understand that it is not based on verifiable science. Dr. Rife's method of using resonate frequencies was verifiable. In some situations the microorganisms showed no physical change but when cultured in the laboratory they would not reproduce. Culturing of organisms is another verifiable method used in laboratories. This method was always used by Dr. Rife to verify that the organisms were devitalized regardless if he could actually see it being devitalize or not. The only way to be 100% sure is to culture the organism. "Distance Therapy" has failed 100% of the time when cultured.

Dr. Rife was so confident in his work that both he and Henry Siner, his laboratory assistant, injected the cancer causing BX organism into their bodies. No one would do this unless they were 100% confident they could devitalize the organism. Here is Henry Siners quote:

HENRY SINER: Both Dr. Rife and myself injected the virus into our own arms to see what would happen and neither one of us came down with the cancer. (John Marsh Rife CD's volume 11, 30:51)

Dr. Rife found that his instrument could devitalize microorganisms on a slide placed under his microscope. When it came to organisms inside the body the ray tube was used within 24 inches for the greatest effect even though it would devitalize microorganisms over thirty feet away. The reason it is more difficult to devitalize an organism in the body is due to the fact that the body has impedance or resistance to electrical frequencies penetrating into it.

In one document it is mentioned that Dr. Rife’s ray tube instrument could devitalize organisms outside the body, on a slide under his microscope, up to 1000 feet way from the ray tube. But the concept that a frequency can be sent remotely through "Distance Therapy" half way around the world, with only 1/10th to 1/5th of one watt of power or less, and devitalize or kill an organism in the body is a stretch for almost anyone’s imagination. The problem is it required at least 50 watts of energy to devitalize a microorganism 1000 feet away outside the body and up to about 30 feet inside the body. Dr. Rife could not get the resonant frequencies to work in any other way.

What most people do not understand is plasma tube energy loss is governed by physical laws. Any power which is broadcast from a plasma tube or metal antenna is governed by the “Inverse Square Law” of physics. This means that for every foot you move away from the power source you square the number and divide the power by that number. With a 50 watt ray tube at one foot away from the ray tube you have 50 watts of power (1 x 1 = 1. 50 watts divided 1 is 50 watts. At 2 feet away you only have 12.5 watts (2 x 2 = 4. 50 watts divided by 4 is 12.5 watts) and at 3 feet away you only have 5.5 watts of power. It does not take very long and the power level becomes so weak that it cannot devitalize or kill anything. When you combine this with the proven scientific fact that no frequency can be sent through any form of "entanglement" it means people are not getting what they pay for.

This is why the concept of "Distance Therapy, Spooky Action at a Distance" or "Remote Therapy" using frequencies has never been proven viable in any laboratory setting under microscope observation. The only reason people believe that Dr. Rife was able to do what he claimed he could do is due to all the evidence that exists. Many other doctors and scientists came to his laboratory and observed his results. Here is a link to the many published articles about Dr. Rife's work.

Dr. Rife's newspaper articles.

The idea that you can treat the DNA of a person with a frequency generator, which only has the power output of 1/10th to 1/5th of one watt, remotely, using "Distance Therapy" or "Spooky Action at a Distance" anywhere in the world from a location thousands of miles away sounds too good to be true. These people want us to believe in something that defies all common sense, rational thinking or science. And yet there are people still willing to believe anything. Now if you asked these people to drink a glass of water with dangerous microorganisms treated remotely by this method they would not be willing to do it. When their life is on the line apparently their faith is not strong enough. If it was really a viable method then faith would have nothing to do with it because it would be scientifically verified.

No one has ever been able to prove this method works on microorganisms placed under a slide. If it fails under microscope observation it is going to also fail in a glass of water or in someone’s body. Dr. Rife spent 30 years of his life devitalizing microorganisms under microscope observation. Many other doctors and scientists came to his laboratory to observe his work. If he was promoting some kind of fraud these scientists would have easily discovered this. Instead they left his laboratory amazed at what he had been able to accomplish. His work was legitimate science. Just the number of newspaper articles that covered his work is amazing. Today 70 years later you have people claiming Dr. Rife's work was all faked. But those who worked with him and came to his laboratory were completely convinced of his work through their first-hand observations.

Until "Distance Therapy, Spooky Action at a Distance, Radionics, Remote Healing or Scalar Wave Therapy" can kill or devitalize even one microorganism under observation, either right next to the microscope or half way around the world, it will never be anything but false claims used to sell unproven instruments.

Chapter Summary: There is no written document that shows that Dr. Rife ever believed in “Quantum Entanglement” in regards to his method of devitalizing microorganisms. Two “Entangled” particles only communicate the “Spin” or “Angular Momentum and Orientation” of the first particle measured. The “Entangled” particles “Spin” direction is not known until it is measured. The second particle then orients it “Spin” or “Angular Momentum and Orientation” in the opposite direction. This is a one time, one direction, communication and this makes communication of “Usable Information” not possible with a frequency that can carry a voice, video or digital information.

In chapter 21, we will discuss how "Piezoelectric Crystals" work and why they cannot be used in "Crystal filled glass hand-cylinders" to produce ultrasound frequencies.