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Chapter #2

What power levels did
Dr. Rife use in his Rife Machines?

Dr. Rife Looking Throug Microscope

Many people have wondered what power levels are safe to use when using an instrument like Dr. Rife's machine. According to the documents we have Dr. Rife’s ray tube instruments, such as the Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine, which was listed to be able to output as much as 500-watts. When the test for B. Typhosis was made it was listed that they used 400-watts. The milliamp meter was listed at 450 milliamps for those 400-watts.   

            The Rife Ray #4 was the most powerful of the five machines that Dr. Rife built. Dr. Rife did not notice any problems using instruments with power levels between 50 to 500-watts of power output. Next are two statements made by Dr. Rife about the safety of his instruments:

RIFE: “I have operated the frequency instrument since 1921. I have watched it advance in style and performance with the advancement of electronics. In the many years I have used this equipment in my research, I have never suffered an injury or any ill effects whatsoever. I found it reliable in performance and efficient in results.” (Letter from Dr. Rife to Dr. Justin Stein, July 2, 1956)

Also on the John Marsh, Rife audio CD's Dr. Rife made this statement about his RF frequency instrument:

RIFE:I stood in front of that thing for thirty years finding these different frequencies that devitalize these different bacteria. And that thing [RF ray tube] was shooting on me right here [his chest], but it is absolutely harmless to normal tissue and each individual bacteria requiring a different frequency to devitalize.” (John Marsh Rife CD's)

The Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument built by the Beam Ray Corporation in the 1930’s output 75-watts out of the ray tube. The 1950's AZ-58 Life Labs instrument and the Aubrey Scoon 1950’s instrument also only output 50-watts could have output 150-watts. Because some of Dr. Rife’s information about instrument power levels is confusing, most have believed Dr. Rife’s Machines put out 400 to 600-watts to the ray tube: however, the new information from the building of some of these instruments shows these assumptions are not correct. The problem has been that the people who wrote down this information were probably giving the power usage of Dr. Rife’s Machines as the output power. Dr. Rife’s Machines used generally about 400 to 1000-watts but they only output about 50 to 500-watts out of the ray tube. The Rife Ray #4 did output about 500-watts but this was the exception, not the rule. In the paper entitled “Development of the Rife Ray” it states:

“The frequencies were generated by a tube oscillator with many stages [5 stages] of amplification, the final stage being a 50 watt output tube.” (Development of the Rife Ray and use in devitalizing of pathogenic micro-organisms)

This part of the description is of his pre-1935 instrument. The output tube was not the ray tube. It appears from the documents that Dr. Rife’s pre-1935 instruments did not output any more power than about 50-watts out of the ray tube. He said he lit the ray tube from another power source then input the frequencies into the ray tube. When Dr. Rife, John Crane, and John Marsh were working on seawater conversion - a process that used frequencies - they boosted the output power in the instrument. Concerning that instrument and some 1930’s Beam Ray instruments that Dr. Yale had increased the power level on, Dr. Rife said the following:

RIFE: “Now this outfit here - the way we have it boosted up here now with an extreme lot of power behind the actual output that is coming out of the thing...I wouldn’t want to use this - or I wouldn’t want to use this instrument here the way it is souped up there for this salt water proposition to treat a patient with.”

GONIN: “No.”

RIFE: “You can get beyond the limit [power levels in excess of 500 watts].”

GONIN: “Yes, quite.”

CRANE: “That’s what Dr. Yale did. You see, he stepped it up and up and up…”

RIFE: “When Verne Thompson used to go down there and take care of Yale’s machines - when he began stepping them up and so...where you get up into that extreme power…oh yes, that is not good. With the power that is in these [50 to 100 watts of power coming out of the ray tube], there is absolutely no harm because I had my microscope here - I had my tube [ray tube] right here in front of it - oh, about 11 or 12 inches away from the slide in the microscope and here I was with this thing all around like that and that tube going here and my specimens and the microscope year after year tuning that thing and it never harmed me any.” (See the above photo at the beginning of this chapter for a better understanding of this statement about where the ray tube was located) (1950’s Gonin, Rife, Crane and Marsh Paper #27-32)

Because Dr. Yale’s 1938-1939 Beam Ray Corporation Rife Machines were modified they were putting out a lot more power than Dr. Rife felt was safe. We do not know how Dr. Yale had his machines modified so it is not possible to know the exact power output they had. But he must have been exceeding the power output of the Rife Ray #4 which could output about 500-watts. It may be that Dr. Rife was just overly cautious but his statement should be considered when anyone starts using power levels in excess of 500 watts output.

            Dr. Rife's power levels need to have a little clarification. The standard method of rating the power capability of a circuit is what it can output continuously. This is generally understood to be RMS (Root Mean Square). RMS calculations were originally defined to accurately express the electrical power being supplied by an AC waveform. Dr. Rife's Rife Ray #3 had a power output of 50-watts. The average power of a waveform will change depending on the waveform and the duty cycle of the waveform used. The damped waveform Dr. Rife first used did not shut off until almost the next pulse. And since a damped waveform drops off very quickly it probably had about 11% of the power in its waveform when compared to a 100% square wave duty cycle.

Dr. Rife on average used from 50 to 500-watts power in his 1930's/1950's machines. His first machine back in early 1920's output about 8 to 10-watts. He kept increasing the power output level until his 1934 Rife ray #3 machine output 50-watts. His 1935 Rife Ray #4 machine which was built in 1935 was increased to about 500 watts and this was his most powerful machine. The 1936 Rife Ray #5 machine which was called the Beam Ray Clinical machine was reduced back to a 75-watt machine. It used the newer more powerful square wave waveform which was produced in a unique way. This machine was sold by the Beam Ray Corporation in 1938-1939 to doctors who wanted to use it in their medical practices. From this, we can conclude that Dr. Rife found that 50-watts was his minimum power level that should be used with a single ray tube instrument.

            Today because of this understanding we generally talk about average power when discussing the type of waveforms Dr. Rife used. Peak to Peak power is not true power. Average power measurements are true power. The 1935 Rife ray #4 was listed at about 500-watts. If this was the case when modulated with the damped wave fixed audio gate frequency its power was probably only about 45-watts in its waveform. When the 1936 Rife ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument was measured its un-modulated power was about 75-watts. Because it was modulated with a 50% square wave duty cycle it had an average power of about 37.5-watts of energy in its waveform. The 1953 AZ-58 circuit was also measured and it was 50-watts. It also used a 50% square wave duty cycle so its modulated average power would have been about 25-watts. Both the 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 and the 1953 AZ-58 used the square wave waveform on a 50% duty cycle. Using the square wave waveform made these two instruments at least two times more powerful, because of the higher average power, than the 1934 Rife Ray #3. The reason that some people focus on higher power output is due to this statement made by John Crane when he was narrating Dr. Rife’s 1939 lab film.

CRANE: “Now the spikes that you see on the frequencies are the lethal part that kill and devitalize the virus. They are the resonant peaks of the frequencies which increase the voltage to a very high potential which the cells of the virus wall cannot tolerate and they break up into many pieces and are destroyed.” (1939 Lab film).

From this statement, it has been understood that the high potential voltage rise in the waveform of the frequencies is what is important. Because of the way Dr. Rife's instruments worked those reading this information should understand that the peak power of an instrument is what some frequency generator companies rate their power output capabilities to be but their true power output will only be about half the peak power.

Power in wave forms.

We will now discuss the power output in Dr. Rife's waveforms. From the Rife documents and the original machines which have been analyzed, we find that Dr. Rife used three different waveforms. These were a sine wave, damped wave and square wave. The damped wave was eventually replaced with a square wave because it was more powerful. We have no evidence of any other waveforms being used. It appears that the Rife Ray #1 through the Rife Ray #4 used a damped wave. The initial high RF frequencies that Dr. Rife used were a sine wave. A unique gating circuit was developed and used which modulated the higher RF sine wave frequency and this shaped the sine wave into a damped wave. The photo below is what a damped wave looks like. This shaping of the sine wave into a damped wave created a high potential voltage rise on the leading edge of the waveform. This made it so the waveform pulsed. The pulsing was too fast for the eye to see but it affected the microorganisms. This damped waveform will be discussed later in this report.

Various waveforms have different power levels in them. A damped waveform only has about 11% power in it. This is due to the fact that it rises very quickly but it also drops off very quickly. To put this into perspective let’s take into consideration Dr. Rife's power level in the Rife Ray #4. It had a power output of 500-watts. Though the instrument was capable of producing 500-watts the damped waveform was only equal to being on for 11% of the time. This is referred to as a waveform's duty cycle. A waveform has an ON and OFF time. The ON time of the damped waveform was only ON for 11% of the time and OFF for 89% of the time. Though the Rife Ray #4 was a 500-watt machine it only had about 45-watts of energy in its waveform because the waveform was only ON for 11% of the time which produced the 500-watt pulses. The duty cycle of a waveform determines two things; it determines the power used and the power that is output through the ray tube.

After the clinic of 1934, Dr. Rife and Dr. Johnson wanted a more powerful machine. The Rife Ray #3 was used in that clinic and it was a 50-watt machine. But due to the fact that it also used a damped wave it only had 11% of the energy in its waveform. When you divide the 50-watts of power by the 11% ON time this means there were only 5.5-watts of energy output in its waveform at 50-watts for 11% of the time. It was for this reason that they built the Rife Ray #4 with the 500-watt output.

            The Rife Ray #4 worked very well with this new power output but it had some drawbacks. By the summer of 1936 Dr. Rife's engineer, Philip Hoyland, designed and built a new machine called the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine. This machine was reduced back to 75-watts. Reducing it back to 75-watts was made possible because of the new waveform it used. Instead of using a damped waveform it used a square wave waveform. The square wave waveform can give you 100% of the power in the waveform for the time that it is ON. Below is a photo of Philip Hoyland's new waveform taken from one of his original Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray clinical machines.

Rife And Hoyland's Square Wave

Anyone looking at this waveform can see that it is just a poor quality square wave. The rise and fall times are good but the top of the waveform is slanted down on an angle. By the 1950s this waveform was replaced with a very good square wave. What is significant about this waveform is the power that is in it. This waveform is basically a 50% ON 50% OFF duty cycle.

            To put this into perspective this new square wave waveform has 50% of the total output power in its waveform. So the 1936 Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray clinical instrument had 37.5-watts of power in its waveform when modulating with a 50% square wave duty cycle. The Rife Ray #4 had 45-watts of power in its waveform when modulated with an 11% damped wave duty cycle. And the Rife Ray #3 only had 5.5-watts of power in its waveform when modulated with an 11% damped wave duty cycle.

            The square wave waveform made it possible to build a machine that was reduced back to the 75-watt power level which could rival the 500-watt Rife Ray #4 machine. It was said of the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical machine that it worked better than any of the previous machines. This Rife Ray #5 will be discussed in greater detail later in this report.

         It is apparent from all of Dr. Rife's ray tube machines that the power level was important. Once he reached 50-watts he never reduced that power level. It is easy to conclude from this information that any power level that is less than 50-watts, when using a ray tube instrument, would be considered underpowered and greatly limited. We can also conclude that the square wave waveform is the best waveform to use and all others would be less effective. Below is a chart showing the power output capabilities of several waveforms. You can see why you would not want to use most of them. Square waves and sine waves have the greatest power levels in them. All of the other waveforms are not worth using and will only give reduced results. 

Square wave 100% Linear Ramp Down 33%
Trapeziod 94% Triangle 33%
Exponential Ramp Down 53% Even Order Harmonics 32%
Sine Wave 50% Exponential Ramp Up 20%
Odd Order Harmonics 42% Damped Wave 11%
Linear Ramp Up 34%    

Chapter Summary: Dr. Rife's ray tube instruments output anywhere between 50 to 500-watts of RF (Radio Frequency) power levels. Dr. Rife found that his instruments were safe to use with power levels between 50 to 500-watts. Power levels in excess of about 500-watts were not recommended by Dr. Rife. Philip Hoyland's use of a square wave waveform made it possible to have more power output in Dr. Rife's machines.

            In chapter 3, we will discuss whether it is absolutely necessary that a ray tube should be used or if it is possible to use the contact method of delivering Dr. Rife’s frequencies which he used on microorganisms.